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For the first time in over 200,000 years of our coexistence with Earth, humans are no longer simply shaped by the planet; rather, they are actively shaping it. However, this influence often manifests through unjust means, far removed from natural harmony. Our reliance on fossil fuels, unchecked consumption, air and water pollution, soil degradation, and more, contribute to a growing list of environmental crises such as climate change, declining biodiversity, ocean acidification, and increased hunger.

As advocates for marine life preservation, we urge your support in fostering solutions that align with nature, rather than opposing it. Join us in our dedicated efforts to effect tangible change, particularly within the fragile marine ecosystem.

Make a Difference


Neandros (Rabbit) Island has been placed under protection by Presidential Decree No. 3817.


The silent hunters in our seas are responsible for the death and harm of millions of animals each year.

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Save a Coral Too!

Coral Guardians

We are aware of the role coral reefs play in global climate balance.

That's why we created the Coral Guardians project, Turkey's first and only coral transplantation initiative.

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Make a Difference

Nature does not restrict our development; it forms its foundation.

For the first time in our over 200,000-year relationship with our planet, instead of the planet shaping humanity, humans are shaping the planet. Methods that are distant from nature and unfair—especially our dependence on fossil fuels and consumption—are leading to a growing list of issues including air and water pollution, soil degradation, climate change, the decline in biodiversity, ocean acidification, and rising hunger.

As the Marine Life Conservation Society, we invite you to support our efforts to find solutions not against nature but in harmony with it, and to help us make a measurable impact, particularly in marine ecosystems.

Biodiversity Monitoring

The Marmara Sea holds significant importance globally and locally due to its rich species diversity, both on a worldwide scale and within our country.

The Sea of Marmara, with its highly productive currents and Mediterranean environment, is nutritionally rich.

For this reason, to use it as scientific data and to protect the species in this region, we launched our "Species Observers" project on the biodiversity of the Princes' Islands in November 2020.


As the Marine Life Conservation Society, since 2015, we have sought to establish a conservation area around Neandros (Rabbit) Island to protect the unique biodiversity of the Adalar region, reduce the threats it faces, and provide solutions to threats posed by traditional fishing practices.


Ultimately, for the sustainability of future marine life, following our application with the guidance of expert scientists and in collaboration with all relevant NGOs and volunteers, Neandros (Rabbit) Island has been placed under protection first by the Directorate General for the Protection of Natural Assets and the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, and subsequently by Presidential Decree No. 3817.

Marine Life Observation

Wonders of the Marmara Sea

Mediterranean Wonders

We have been cleaning abandoned and passively fishing nets, which have been left behind by fishermen either intentionally or unintentionally, in the Sea of Marmara for years.

We are aware of the role that coral reefs play in global climate balance.

That's why we established the Coral Guardians project, Turkey's first and only coral transplantation initiative.

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Coral Guardians

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Deniz Yaşamını Koruma Derneği’nin deniz dibinden topladığı atıklarla üretilen heykel, video ve enstalasyon gibi sanatsal üretimlerimizi sizinle paylaşabilmek adına “Marmara’dan Akdeniz’e Sürdürülebilirlik Serüveni” projemizin bir parçası olan HİPOKSİ isimli sergimizi 11.112022- 25.11.2022 tarihleri arasında İzmir Çatı Sanat Alanı'nda ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

WWF-Türkiye (Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı) ve İstanbul Üniversitesi ile birlikte hazırladığımız “Hayalet Balıkçılık” raporuyla deniz plastik çöpünün en ölümcül haline dikkat çekiyoruz.

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